Saturday, December 29, 2012

TBR Pile Challenge Wrap-Up

Here's the wrap-up for my last challenge.  I really loved that this challenge made me read books I had on my bookshelf.  Some of them I had forgotten about and others I had forgotten why I had purchased them.  Definitely one of my favorite challenges.

The collage is below.  It isn't clickable because all of the books haven't been reviewed.

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  1. I love TBR pile challenges! Right now I'm trying to read all my TBR books that I added to Goodreads in May 2009 (when I first signed up and added my collection) by the end of 2017. Which seems so far away but it's a lot of books! So these challenges are just extra incentive for that!

    1. My problem is that I keep buying new books. So the TBR never goes down :)

  2. YAY for making a dent on the TBR pile!! I loved reading your reviews of The Black Dagger Brotherhood :D

    1. I'm glad. I feel weird writing reviews on books that I feel everyone has already read but me!


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