Friday, August 9, 2019

Nostalgia: The Baby Sitter's Club

The Baby Sitter's Club is coming to Audible and I have ALL the feels right now. This series changed my life. It was this series that my Mom bought me instead of me having to check them out of the library.  It is this series that I wrote about in the second grade and won a writing contest.  It is this series, among a few, that I wrote about in my college scholarship essays.  Barnes and Nobles doesn't even carry this series in stores anymore.  The nostalgia is so real. 

Though, now that I'm a parent, there is no way I'd let sixth graders babysit my kid.  But you know. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Number 14: Heartless

I read all the books in one of the Goodreads Choice Awards categories. Now I'm counting down from my least favorite to those that I absolutely loved.  Stay tuned for my thoughts and mini-reviews.  Find out more HERE!

Heartless by Marissa Meye
Genre: Fantasy, Retelling, Young Adult
Pages: 453

I love Marissa Meyer and her books, but I don't love Alice and Wonderland.  So a retelling of a fairy tale that I don't love really didn't have much of a chance.  That being said, I thought the most interesting part of this read was the background of the side characters like Cheshire the cat and the Mad Hatter.  But the Queen of Hearts and her reason for going "bad" didn't really do it for me.  I felt most of the book was pointless and unnessary (man I sound harsh) and the the explanation at the end could have been done without any of the rest.  I wanted it to feel necessary.  The background and character development of the Queen of Hearts just didn't match up to me.  I don't know.  I'll look forward to of Ms. Meyer's retellings in the future.  This one was just okay.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Number 15: The Raven King

I read all the books in one of the Goodreads Choice Awards categories. Now I'm counting down from my least favorite to those that I absolutely loved.  Stay tuned for my thoughts and mini-reviews.  Find out more HERE!

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
Series: The Raven Cycle #4
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 439

I'm so ducking under my desk as I type this.  I feel like I'm going to lose my bibliophile card for not having this book at the very top of my countdown.  But really it comes down to the fact that everyone loves Gansy... but me.  So this series is good.  But the premise of the series was fascinating an dMs. Stiefvater is an AMAZING writer and author.  But it just didn't come together for me.  I ended up being disappointed.  BUT there were so many twists and parts that I loved, It just still left me wanting a bit.  I still recommend this series and I many love the commaraderie of the friends.  I loved many of them but Gansy was a "meh" for me.
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