Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Feel Guilty For Not Loving This Book

Which books do you feel that you should love/like but don't.  Be honest.  I won't judge.  Well... unless you say Gone with the Wind.  And if you say Gone with the Wind, it'll be okay.  Really.
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  1. Don't feel guilty.
    Book love is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

    Ya know which one I hated that everyone loooved? Time Traveler's Wife.
    I loath it and it seems so many adore it.

    PS I love love love the new look.
    You kept your gal but made it sleeker.

    1. I hate that one too Juju, and tried 3 times as I thought I must have missed something, it ended up a DNF at about 60%

    2. Ahhh thanks Juju! You always say it best. I've yet to read Time Traveler's Wife. I haven't even seen the movie.

      Thanks! The new look was a long time coming but I'm so glad it's here.

  2. I don't love it either! Haven't read it since high school, but I did see the film last night and was unpleasantly reminded how unlikeable almost all of the characters are. Solidarity!

  3. hahaha i feel the same way. i appreciated it. but i didn't love it :)

  4. I'm currently reading The Great Gatsby and I'm not even halfway done yet, but so far I'm loving it. I always try to love classics, but with this one there's no effort to it.

    I posted today about a book that I consider overrated, which is similar to feeling bad about not liking it, I think. But I just can't stand Murakami.

  5. Oh and I love your new layout. Sleek!

  6. You know what? I'm a huge Fitzgerald fan and I did not love Great Gatsby either.

  7. Love your new look! Don't feel bad about it. I read it when I was in high school and I HATED it. I didn't understand it at all. I've been feeling guilty when the trailer for the movie comes on. I mean, I'm watching the trailer and I don't remember that happening. At. All. Coincidentally, I tried to check this book out from the library yesterday and not one copy on the shelf. Lol. Guess I wasn't the only one thinking I needed to give it another shot.

    1. Thanks so much!

      I'm not sure I'll give it another shot. It just wasn't for me. I think I'll watch the movie one day though. The hubby wants to see it.

  8. Yeah, right there with you on this one. And really I am just a bad English major! I didn't enjoy any of the "classics" I was forced to read in any of my schooling! Except I did enjoy the Count of Monte Cristo and Dracula--but that one's really no surprise!

    For some reason I just can't enjoy the classics. They don't seem to hold my interest all that well. I really should try some of the other paranormal classics someday like Frankenstein and a few others, but I have too many other books piled in my room.

    1. I still want to read Dracula. There were few classics I enjoyed. I felt guilty for so long but now I'm over it.

  9. I hate Shakespeare.
    I don't enjoy reading him, I find the idea of his stories a lot more interesting than the actual writing, I think it's unnecessarily complicated in the language. Which is why I probably like modern adaptations of Shakespeare plays a lot more than the originals or the more traditional, literal interpretations.

    1. Ohh, and I love the redesign! It looks cute

    2. I enjoyed Shakespeare when the plain language was on the other side of the page ;)

      I like Shakespeare when it isn't difficult. I can't full appreciate it otherwise. Though when I taught high school, it was my favorite unit.

    3. Oh and thanks for your comment on the redesign. I'm so happy it's finally done.

  10. Funny, if I were to have rated this one back when I read it in highschool, I would probably say '3 stars.' Love the author (and his wife-- so fascinating), but this books was just bleh. I also did not care for Grapes of Wrath. *gasp* But I think I would like to read these again as an adult to see if my impression changes. I know when I first read Kate Chopin's The Awakening, I hated it. Loathed really. Then I had to read it in college. I was unhappy about that, but I ended up loving it the second time around. Life experiences certainly affect our views of books. :)

    1. I'd give it less than 3 starts if I were to rate it ;) but I'm starting to think my expectations are really high. I liked The Awakening but I read it more recently than The Great Gatsby (about 5 years ago). I agree that life experiences can make a difference.

  11. I love this design. Congrats! It's sooo cute. LOVE IT!!!

    Honestly, I have no idea if I liked the book when I read it in high school. Your not alone. I didn't love/like Shiver (and the series). Yuk!

  12. Your look is bright and inviting, great layout.

    I sometimes feel guilty for not even being interested. This is one of them.

    Like Juju Time Travelers Wife also Dracula.

    1. Thanks! I'm trying something new.

      The classics are mostly a miss for me. I'm surprised about Dracula though I've yet to read it.

  13. I hate The Great Gatsby-I read it as an adult because I felt bad that I had never given it a shot but found it so boring. I'll see the film when it's on TV but I have no interest in going to the theater to see it.

    1. It iiiisssss boring! I won't go to the theater either. I'll catch it when I catch it.

  14. Don't feel guilty! There are some books that I'm totally like "Am I missing something...?" because everyone but me loves it. Like Jane Eyre. UGH.

    1. I can understand. I liked the movie version of Jane Eyre much better.

  15. I didn't like The Great Gasby either. People are like but why????????? I just didn't. I also didn't like Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man (didn't like is putting it midly---I HATE it!)

  16. Whoa! Blog make-over! Love it!
    I saw the orig movie and liked it but am not interested in the new one at all! I guess I am just not into that time period.
    And as long as we are not being judged...
    There are very few "classics" this I like. They are all just too boring for me!

    1. Thanks!

      I'm not sure if it's the time period of just...everything else. Lol. Just didn't like it. I usually find the classics boring as well.

  17. I know so many people that worship all of Haruki Murakami's work...I tried 1Q84 and it's one of the only books I have ever DNF'd. I feel like something is wrong with me. :)

  18. I don't like Charles Dickens.

  19. Alexis me and you are >HERE< regarding this book. I remember having to read it and watch the movie for my 11th grade honors class. HATED IT (in my Men on Film voice)! Every single second of it, though I'll admit to being VERY curious about the remake.

    Now onto to exciting things. I LOVE the blog makeover! I'm glad you kept your lady though because I love her and think she's beautiful. New layout looks so smooth and sophisticated. Two thumbs up!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't hate it as much as Lord of the Flies but it's pretty high up there.

    2. Oh and thanks for the thumbs up on the new look. I was so nervous. I was worried that it was too drastic of a change.

  20. I think I read this back at the end of elementary school or something, because it was mentioned so often as a high school read in YA books or other places... who knows. I'm not sure how I slogged through it, actually.

    I seriously hated Lord of the Flies. And I wasn't a fan of Jane Eyre, either. :/

    1. I hated Lord of the Flies too. HATED it. I liked Jane Eyre but it actually took me a while to get into it. I think i liked the movie better ;)

  21. I couldn't get into Pride and Prejudice. AT ALL.


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