Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bookaholic Secrets

I'm thinking this might not actually be a real secret.  I hate and love this feeling.  Le Sigh.
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  1. Yup. That's what makes me read the last few pages so slowly.

    1. I know. I sense of dread sits in. It's such a good/bad feeling.

  2. Totally agree, such a sweet and sour feeling, great quote.

  3. That happened to me just yesterday with Eleanor and Park
    I so wanted more, the ending was great but I wasn't read to leave them

  4. This is how I feel about my HP and GOT books. I feel lost when I'm not ambling around in their worlds.

  5. It's good to know how the author intended things to end but hard because that's it! When that happens, sometimes I'll just stop and hug the book close (like for Eleanor and Park.)


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