Saturday, January 19, 2013

To Buy or Not to Buy

I feel weird buying cookbooks know...Pinterest is free. Thoughts?
So are cookbooks as gifts, I guess.
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  1. I think it all depends, there are lots of reasons to buy cookbooks.
    There are people who just like the pictures and getting to know the regional cuisine of different places and thus they buy cookbooks.

    Others do buy them for the content because they like to try out new recipes.

    So it's up to you to decide what type of cookbook buyer you are.

    Problem is, though, that most cookbooks are pricey.

    1. Good point.

      I think buying certain types of cookbooks (like regional cuisine) would still be a good buy.

  2. I say buy. It's so quaint to pull down a cookbook, page through it and cook with it. If yours are like mine, they even have some remnants of the food left on them from reading directions with messy fingers.

    1. Lol. I agree about the remnants of food. I always feel slightly embarrassed. Maybe I should be proud of those reminders.

  3. I don't know. I don't use them but I know lots of people love them.

    You know what I use the most? The Chew's Recipe website.
    I got through the meals they've made that week for ideas.

    Good luck deciding.

  4. Dunno really, there are free recipes out there so...

  5. The main thing that holds me back from buying cookbooks is the cost. They're expensive, so I choose carefully and buy seldom. And, as you say, lots of recipes are available online. However, if money wasn't an issue, I'd be buying them left and right just for the yummy pictures.

    1. The pictures are wonderful. But online I can organize my recipes better and make it more efficient. I'm so torn.

  6. Yeah I've only bought a cookbook at the second hand store for a dollar or less, because like you said, the internet exists. And I can pick and choose what recipes I like!

  7. I am like you. Pinterest is free, so why bother with cookbooks? What I do is use this nifty little app called Pocket and anytime I run across recipes I like I just add them to Pocket. Its pretty useful if you have a tablet of some sort. Then you can just take it in the kitchen with you!

  8. I never thought of pinterest as my cookbook replacement. What a great idea! I use pinterest for everything else. But I love the Epicurious app most of the time. I love it!

    1. I have the Epicurious app but don't use it much. Maybe I need to rethink that.

  9. I don't buy cookbooks typically either, although not because of Pinterest. More because of free recipes and such a big collection backlog already that I have. I will still pick up specialty cookbooks though :)

    1. I don't really buy specialty cookbooks. But I think from the comments, it seems to be a legit type of cookbook to buy.

  10. Hmmm, you have a point! I don't really have that many cookbooks, and I think I like my small collection of them :) I guess I like the ones who add just a bit more than only recipes. I like to sit down and read that kind of cookbook. (nevermind the actual cooking, LOL)

    1. I like cookbooks that improve my cooking skill and teach me new techniques.

  11. I've purchased cooking magazines. Does that count? I don't think I've ever purchased a cookbook. I received one for a gift, though. I agree with Alysia A about Pinterest. Hmmmm...going to check recipes out on there!

    1. Cookbook magazines are a good idea as well. I think those are cheaper too.


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