Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: When She Woke

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
    My Teaser: My teaser this week is from When She Woke by Hilary Jordan.  I'm listening to this one on audio and I'm a good ways through.  My emotions are all over the place on this one but I'll be sure to let everyone know how it turns out.

    "When she woke, she was red.  Not flushed, not sunburned, but the solid, declarative red of a stop sign."

    Be sure to share a link to your teaser!

    Anyone can play along!

    Just do the following:
    • Grab your current read
    • Open to a random page
    • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
    • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
    • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

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    1. Ooo that sounds..interesting! Great teaser

      Here's mine: http://danielleheartsbooks.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/teaser-tuesday-17.html

    2. I absolutely love that teaser! This is one that is definitely being added to my TBR list right away – thank you for sharing! :)

      Here’s mine:


      1. Thanks! It is a good read but intense on the issues. I'll hop on over to yours next.

    3. Oooh that does sound intriguing! hope you enjoy the rest!

      Here's my Teaser

      Have a GREAT day!

      Old Follower :)

      1. It was very different and intense. Can't wait to see your teaser :)

    4. WOW! I think I would be in a sheer panic if I woke up and saw myself as Red, Blue, Purple, Pink, or any other color that wasn't naturally human LOL Then again, I might also think it was pretty darn cool (depending on my mood).

    5. I did the audio of this one recently...such a chilling book. I really enjoyed it though. Hope that you are as well.

      My Teaser is here.

    6. Oooo! This one sounds like an excellent audiobook selection. I wonder if I can find it at my library? Thanks for the tease.

      1. I'm always surprised to see the audiobook selection on my elibrary. It definitely helps me step outside my comfort zone.

    7. I'm curious how this one goes on! I hope you'll review it when you're done :)

    8. Okay - I'm interested. Nice choice for a teaser.

      Here's my Teaser Tuesday


    9. I've heard awesome things about this one. I hope you are enjoying it!

    10. Great Tease! I'm looking forward to reading this.

      This week my tease is from Book 3 of The Barsoom Series by Edgar Ride Burroughs. I was going to give the series a break and read something else after finishing book 2, but I’m just enjoying this classic Sci-Fi series so much I can’t stop!


    11. Now why is that girl red? Nice teaser

    12. O that's good. I wonder why. Awesome teaser.

    13. Nice teaser. Very descriptive. Hope you enjoy the rest of it. :-)

    14. Well that is intriguing! I am certainly curious about how or why someone would wake up red! Great teaser. :)


    15. Ohh. Definitely an intriguing teaser. o: I've been super curious about this one, so I hope you're enjoying it!

    16. Ive read this book last year, I liked the story. Great teaser.


    17. That sounds interesting! What a great teaser! Thank you for dropping by.

    18. Now that is something to freak out about. lol! great teaser!

    19. Great teaser! I've been listening to this book. It's good!

    20. Awesome teaser, I must know why she is RED.

      I always think Hillary Duff wrote this book. :p

    21. Stop sign red, huh? That's... well, that's a lot worse than having the pattern of your couch throw embedded in your cheek for half an hour. lol Super curious. Thanks for stopping by my teaser! :)


    I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

    Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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