Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why I Love Wednesdays...Favorite Sidekick

I am returning with my new feature... Why I love which takes place on Wednesdays. Today's proclamation of love concerns our Favorite Sidekicks.

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Why I Love...Rex, Tom, Watson, Hermione, and Ron

Everyone has their favorite character right?  I mean some characters are so super-duper bad they can't be stopped.  We can talk about them next week.  This week I am going to give a shout-out to the trusty sidekicks, the characters often found standing right beside our favorite characters.  These characters may or may not be as brave, smart, or fun but they are cool in their own way.  And in many instances our main characters wouldn't be the same without them.

That's why I LOVE my trusty sidekicks!!

Okay.  I couldn't choose just one because I really changed my mind like 12 times.

Do I choose Rex, Stephanie Plum's hamster?  Or perhaps I have to remember Tom Sawyer's ultimate sidekick-ability next to Huckleberry Finn.  Oh but how can I leave out Watson?  He's to Sherlock Holmes what Dr. House's team is to House--but perhaps without having to deal with the extra rudeness and sarcasm. And when we think of ultimate sidekicks, we can't forget Hermione and Ron.  Where would Harry be without them?  OH I CAN'T CHOOSE!!  Let's just say I love Rex, Tom, Watson, Hermione, and Ron this Wednesday.

Previous Why I Love Wednesday Posts:

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