Follow Friday Question of the Week:

Well... let's see what I've never told you yet. Hmmm...
- I have a very expressive face. I can't control my eyebrows; they are always moving depending on what is going on. This is a problem right now as I am interning at the DA's office. Court has been interesting.
- I don't sleep. It's not insomnia. I just sleep every other day or so. About 5-6 hours each time. This is great during finals and horrible during certain times honeymoon. I had so much time on my hands. We were also on a cruise so no phone and no internet. There is such a thing as having too much time. But I get around to a lot of blogs. Which brings me to another quirk...
- I fall asleep in cars no matter how long the trip. Going to the grocery store...I'm sleep. It really bugs my husband. I don't have this problem when I drive myself.
- I'm allergic to some types of tomato sauces (but not tomatoes) so I can't eat pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, or the like unless I make it myself. My face swells up REALLY BIG.
- I have a mild case of OCD. I'm usually able to manage it. One thing I can't do? Scroll down the page of my own blog. If the columns don't match up, I have a panic attack and I have to fix it. It takes hours to fix it, because I have to keep looking at it which keeps sending me into fits. So I just don't scroll down that far.

Okay I'm just going to be honest. I read books because I like to read about places and people that I wouldn't dare go in real life for fear of bodily injury, emotional, or psychological pain.
I loved this series as a kid and can still read them over and over again as an adult.
Waves!! Welcome to my little spot on the web. If you are visiting for the first time, I would love to hear from you. If you have time, leave a comment and I can return the visit.
- If you have a moment to spare, stop by my Why I Love Wednesday post and tell me your favorite author. For some reason I don't have one and I feel like a weird person or something. How did you pick your favorite author?
- How do you decide whether to continue a series or not? I read two popular series. I don't feel inclined to continue the series of the book I LOVED ("awesome"), but I want to continue with a series of a book that I thought was just "meh." Does that happen to you? Or am I just weird again. Check out the post and tell me what you think.
- So I had my very first guest blogger on the site this week and I was really excited. Check out the post here and visit Jade here. She is really awesome. I LOVE her! Do you have guest bloggers on your blog? Do you spotlight as guests on other blogs? How does that go?
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