Thursday, April 12, 2018

Number 17: A Torch Against the Night

 I read all the books in one of the Goodreads Choice Awards categories. Now I'm counting down from my least favorite to those that I absolutely loved.  Stay tuned for my thoughts and mini-reviews.  Find out more HERE!

A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir
Series: Ember Quartet #2
Genre: Dystopian, Young Adult
Pages: 452

So this is the point where I start to veer rather sharply from Goodreads Voters.  In order to read this second book in the series, I had to read the first book.  I absolutely dreaded reading this book and I think it really affected how much I enjoyed this one.  So here's my little rant.  There should be trigger warnings all over this series.  This genre is getting darker and darker.  I can't get with the excessive violence, rape, and abuse in this series.  The first book was worst than the second.  I heard people say that they couldn't read The Hunger Games trilogy because they didn't like the idea of kids killing kids.  I get that.  In other series, characters were disadvantaged and weak but they were never without skills and talents to fight back and ultimately win.  There were so many defenseless victims in this book, I dreaded picking it up every time.  It was well-written and full of adventure, twists, and turns.  I get why many enjoyed it, but I just couldn't get jiggy with it.
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1 comment:

  1. I kind of feel you with this one. It was a good book, I was just never motivated to read it.


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