Saturday, March 8, 2014

Best Feeling Ever


I felt this way about The Hunger Games, The Book Thief, and The Bronze Horseman (to name a few).

Which books met your expectations and all the hype?!!  Tell me.  I want to know because I really want to read them too!
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  1. I am happy when this happens too! I thought Hunger Games, Divergent and Gone Girl lived up to the hype.

  2. I hear ya. I just picked up The Winner's Curse, and so far, everyone who's given it a glowing review is pretty much dead on. :)

  3. Just finished ADE by Rebecca Walker...girl! You got to read it.

  4. It truly is a great feeling. Sometimes I won't pick up a book because of the hype and the fear I won't like the book. The Book Thief is sooooo good. I need to reread it.

  5. The Book Thief, yes! The Help, yes! (I'm sure there are more, but those popped up in my mind right away!) Happy reading ...

  6. I have three: Kite Runner, Gone Girl, and the Hunger Games. I think I may put The Book Thief on TBR list.

  7. I know what book I've been giving hype to forever and so far everyone has come back and said how right I was haha a book called Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes - a fabulous mystery/thriller but it's also a good read for those contemporary lovers too!

    And I chime in with Cornethia's comment above - Gone Girl for sure!!

    I've had The Book Thief on my wish list forever - I finally bought it a few years ago, along with The Host by Stephanie Meyer and my stack got lost in the shuffle so I'm going to have to find them!!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  8. LOL
    Then you kinda slap yourself for taking so long to try it.

  9. Oh goodness hmm....I don't know!!! CINDER was one - that one made me LOVE it


I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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