Saturday, January 11, 2014

Could I Pull This Off?


Somehow I don't think these would work in a law office. Do you have any bookish clothing in your closet?
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  1. If you wore all black then maybe. I'm dying to get a bookish item in my closet. But something like a scarf.

    1. I'll keep an eye out for a bookish scarf. If I find one, I'll send it your way.

  2. Where did you find these?!? I think I can pull these off at my work place. Belle

  3. Hahaha I love them! I agree with Alysia it would look better if you wore black.
    The only bookish items of clothing I have is t-shirts. But I do love t-shirts with words!

  4. Those are freaking awesome! I so want a pair!

  5. My at-leisure wardrobe tends to lend more toward penguins and bunnies on my t.shirts, I'm told I'm too old for this but I don't care.

    I would love those tights though! And I guess I could pull them off at my work, since it's at school and we do get casual fridays :)

  6. With the exception of book bags, I sadly have no bookish gear. Need a T-shirt at least!

    1. I have no T-shirts even. I have one book bag. I need to remedy this ASAP. This can't be right.

  7. Yes! They're amazing. I would hire a lawyer based on those!

  8. You could totally wear them under your pants. :) I have some book t-shirts. That's about as awesome as I get... ;)

  9. I LOVE them! You could make them work! :)


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