Saturday, August 17, 2013

True Story.

Source: via Jason on Pinterest

Remember when it took me almost five tries to read one of the best books EVER?! True story. 

Give it a try. It'll grow on you. Then it will break your heart. Here's my review.
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  1. What a fab last line. "It will grow on you. Then it will break your heart." :)

  2. Oh goodness I've had this one on my shelf for ages and now I have the audiobook for ages too. Must get to it!

  3. I've discovered this book only a few weeks ago through a blog hop and now is definitively on my TRB. And I heard there's a movie coming out too.

  4. I will have to add this to my TBR list and I am going to try and knock it out before I see the movie.


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