Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Guest Review and Giveaway Extension

Witness to Fitness by Donna Richardson Joyner
Genre: Fitness | Nonfiction | Health
Pages: 304 pages
Source: TLC Book Tour
Author's Website
Buy it: Amazon | Kindle | B&N

From Amazon:
A 28-day program to help you lose weight while you nourish both your body and your soul.

In Witness to Fitness, Donna Richardson Joyner brings together faith, food, and fitness in a way no one else has done before. She inspires the reader to follow her on a journey, strengthening mind, spirit, and body. Her program will help you get the results you are destined for and create lasting change in your life.
Joyner's plan is to inspire you to lose weight and feel and look great. The exercises can be followed by anyone at any fitness level.

I reviewed this lovely book a few weeks ago but I have my wonderful (and beautiful) aunt here today to tell you about her experience with this book.  You  can find my thoughts here.  For now, let's hear from my guest.  Let's call her TJoy :)

Me: How did you use this fitness book?

TJoy: I used the book not only for motivation, but also to get ideas. I haven't gotten around to actually doing them, but I downloaded the book to my kindle so that when I finally get a "workout plan" then I can always refer back to it.

Me: What's your favorite thing about this book?

TJoy: What I loved about the book were the illustrations of the exercises and the testimonials which were very motivating. Also, the scriptures were a PLUS!!

Me: What was your least favorite thing about the book?

TJoy: I will say my least favorite thing was the fact that it seem lengthy to me, simply because I was anxious to get to the actual workouts. I am one that likes to do things in order. :-)

Overall I really enjoyed reading her book and I will DEFINITELY refer to it in the near future.

Doesn't she look great?!  
Thanks so much TJoy for sharing your thoughts with us!! 

In honor of the additional thoughts about this book, I've extended the giveaway for a couple of days.  I'm not resetting the rafflecopter.  Simply leave a comment on the original post with your fitness goals for the year and/or how well you are doing with those goals now that it is March.  Leave the comment here.  This is a short extension and ends March 7th at midnight.

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  1. I liked that this guest review was done in a interview format. Very innovative! :-) Great idea.

    Tamara @ Shelf Addiction

  2. She looks awesome! Great post.
    (not an entry)

  3. She looks amazing! I love seeing another review of this book :) :) :)

  4. Glad to know this book is inspiring other to get fit. Great interview!

  5. I had intended to exercise more and to lose some weight in general. Although I have not lost any appreciable weight I am exercising daily and will continue to do so into the Spring. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Ooh, I really want to read this!! I'm pretty sure I entered the contest already :) Sounds like your guest poster really enjoyed the book too!

  7. Ohh, it sounds like a good book!
    I have never read this kind of book before though.


I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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