Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Black History Month Giveaway Hop

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It's that time again!  The Black History Month hop.

There are tons of genres, I'm simply not familiar with.  It might be that I've never tried them, they don't seem like they would work for me, or I simply don't know where to start within the genre.  Even though books with characters of color or those written by people of color aren't exactly their own genre, I feel like people might feel the same way about giving them a try.  

So in honor of Black History Month, I'm going to help you step out on a limb.  I'm giving away a book of your choice that features a person of color or is written by a person of color.

You pick the book, I ship it your way.

Rules for the Giveaway are below the break.

1.  This giveaway is open internationally to mailboxes that The Book Depository ships to for free.

2.  No rafflecopter this time (I'm lazy).  

3.  Simply leave a comment with either:
  •  the book you are interested in if you win
  • your favorite book with a culturally diverse character or author 
  • your thoughts on why there aren't enough books out there featuring or written by a person of color.  

4.  Please leave your email!

5.  This giveaway ends February 27th

P.S.  For others who are expecting books in the mail from me... they are coming!  I'm sending out a few each week so they don't hit my bank account at the same time.

P.P.S.  Thank you Alysia for everything you do!  I love that you keep both our blogs running :)
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  1. Thank you a lot for this international giveaway. i would be very happy to win " Boyfriend from hell" first book of the series falling angel saga by E Van Lowe

    thank you a lot


  2. I love Alex Cross and the many books all about him by James Patterson, i'd love to get my hands on Alex Cross, Run

    thank you for the chance to win

    rock_royalty at hotmail com

    1. I didn't know Alex Cross was a person of color. I feel like I should have known that though.

    2. Rumor has it he was modeled by James Patterson after one of his friends that was African American. Then Tyler Perry played him in the movie version. So it kinda counts. :)

  3. I would choose either the graphic novel Zero Killer by Arvid Nelson, or Bayou by Jeremy Love.

    Many middle grade and children's books are wonderfully diverse, so I'm not sure why that hasn't carried over into other demographics (teen fiction in particular has VERY few poc characters, which is upsetting).

    Awesome giveaway :)
    aircdrewood at gmail dot com

  4. I would love to get my hands on The Healing by Jonathan Odell (I was going to request it on Netgalley, but had too many commitments at the time).

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  5. Thanks for doing this with me! :)


I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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