Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Weekend...

Source: via Brikena on Pinterest

This weekend it's going to be me, Scarlett & Rhett, Pecan tarts, and a Cabernet.  Yes Please!
 ("Me" night inspired by Pinterest)
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  1. Beautiful. My night is going to be watching the Vikings decimate the Packers - HA! Go AP.

  2. hello, hello, hello
    been a long time and i'm so happy to return to blogging. 2013 reading challenges is the first thing i'm heading for. hope to be making my regular stops now that i'm back in the wonderful usa.

  3. Love it!! Love the movie, love the book (and yes, I even love the books based on the book like Scarlet and Rhett Butler's People) and of course, love the wine! And pecan tarts sounds delicious!

  4. Aww, that's cute!
    I actually saw it the other day and Scarlett is a bit too whiny for my tastes but Rhett was awesome.

    1. Scarlett is whiny and selfish but I love her all the same. She's so imperfect. It soothes my my inner soul. Lol.

  5. Sounds great. Enjoy!

    Tamara @ Shelf Addiction

  6. Sounds delicious and fun! Love splurge on self nights :) I need to set up another night like this soon and make myself stay OFF THE COMPUTER to do it.

    1. It's hard to stay off the computer for sure. I wasn't quite successful at that.


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