Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December Giveaway of Books Explaining Past Events

The holidays are a time for family, food, and gifts. I can't share food or my family.  So let's do some giveaways shall we? I mean...why not?!

This giveaway includes a trio of books that attempt to explore some significant past event.  They are all intriguing but different.   Our Man in the Dark explores the last days of Dr. Martin Luther King but there is corruption, sex, and blackmail.  Perla and The Year of the Gadfly both explore similar themes but The Year of the Gadfly explores a made-up event.  This is a powerful combo.  Fill out the rafflecopter before the end of December to enter.

Our Man in the Dark by Rashad Harrison
Perla by Carolina de Robertis
The Year of the Gadfly by Jennifer Miller

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. I like It's a Wonderful Life, so corny but pretty cool really.

  2. I love Ernest Saves Christmas!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  3. My favorite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause, but I also love It's a Wonderful Life and the original Miracle on 34th Street.


I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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