Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily Dose: Calvin & Hobbes Read... Kind of

Daily Dose is a weekly meme hosted by Good Golly Miss Holly. If you'd like to participate in daily dose you simply make a post on Monday with a bunch of images you find magical and possibly inspiring to readers.

Today's daily dose is inspired by a bit of nostalgia.  When I was teaching, I often used comic strips when I wanted to get to a particular aspect of the lesson quickly, I needed new material so students could practice practice practice, or I didn't have time to take account of the different reading levels and reading speeds.  One of my favorite go-to comic strips was Calvin & Hobbes.  I still have a couple of the books.




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  1. Oh man, Calvin and Hobbes is the best! Always fun and funny and sometimes downright wise and insightful.

  2. Fun! I always loved Cathy and For Better of For Worse.

  3. i love these :))) Thanks for the post about them!

  4. Jessica just introduced me to Calvin and Hobbes. I never read the comic before but he's brilliant!

    1. He's hilarious. I'm glad you have been introduced. Hopefully you'll fall in love too.

  5. I love Calvin and Hobbs. Thanks for the memories!

  6. Oh, I love Calvin and Hobbs! They publish them here at this free newspaper I get every morning, and they are my favorite part!

  7. Love Calvin & Hobbs. Thanks for sharing this :D


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