Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mini-Review: Lover Enshrined

Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward
Series:  Black Dagger Brotherhood #6
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Vampires
Pages: 535 (paperbook)
Source: Bookshelf
Author's Website | Facebook
Buy it: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depo

“In quick succession, Qhuinn reviewed his answers: No, of course not, the knife was acting of its own volition. I was actually trying to stop it...No, I only meant to give him a shave...No, I didn't realize that slicing open someone's jugular was going to lead to death.”

My Rating:

My Review:
This is one series that has a complete hold on me right now.  Each book in this series follow a different brother in the Black Dagger Brotherhood but there is a reason why I picked the above quote.  This particular installment follows Phury's story and love interest.  But I think the many side stories took over this book and it didn't feel like Phury's book.  The relationships and troubles in Quinn, John Mathews, and Blay's lives take a huge turn.  Tohrment's story makes some progression.  More insight is gained into Rehvenge's secret delimma.  We meet a fallen angel.  Oh and all hell breaks loose in the Vampire community.  Is that enough for you?  Sounds like there is a lot going on but it worked because there was really no need to spend mroe time with Phury and the side stories were much more interesting.  I enjoyed this one because it made me excited about the books to come.  I loved the progression of Quinn, John Mathews, and Blay.  It re-energized my interest in this series.  Overall, a great installment if Phury doesn't interest you too much.

For those of you who are well ahead of me, what did you think of this one?  I'm not too excited to read Rehvenge's story (which is next), but am I being unfair in this?
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  1. I did enjoy the side stories so much more than Phury's. I like Phury, but his story just didn't interest me like the others have. This is a series that continues to pull me in too. Despite it's ups and downs I always find something enjoyable.

    1. Same here. I'm so surprised that this series has sucked me in so.

  2. Good Review!! I also love this series...and even though this isn't my favorite in the series...I really enjoyed it. I really liked your quote too!!

    1. Thanks! Where have I been all this time when it comes to this series?!

  3. I felt very eh about this one and yes the sidestories are taking over

  4. You're speaking of characters I don't even know yet, which means I need to hustle and get back into this series pronto. Sometimes side stories end up holding my interest more than the main one. Looks like Phury had some serious competition in this one.

    1. Yes you definitely need to get back into it. Though I haven't had the same attachment since Z's story.

  5. I'm glad you keep liking this series. I kind of like it still but the books after Lover Unbound kind of weren't so good for me.

    Still, this one was pretty decent.

  6. Hey there! Long time! I have this series on my TBR list for A few ladies in the book club love it and have been raving about it. I am looking forward to getting into a good series.

    1. I wonder how it is on audio. It's such a hot read. I can't wait to hear what you think.

  7. I liked this book. Reading about Quinn, John Mathews, and Blay is fun and the three of them have a unique dynamic for sure.

    Rehvenge's story is a little different. You'll definitely learn why he is what he is...and actually it makes him seem not so bad. Give it a chance. :-)

    Tamara @ Shelf Addiciton


I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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