Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Follower Appreciation Extravaganza (800): Commenter Appreciation

I Love Comments!!  Getting comments on my posts NEVER gets old.  It is exciting every day.  This Giveaway is dedicated to commenters.  I want you to know that I love and appreciate you.  Really.  No really.

I also want to thank a few commenters specifically.  There is no way I can list all the wonderful people who have supported Reflections of a Bookaholic through comments but there are a few people that have been there throughout.

Thank You:
Juju from Tales of Whimsy: My first non-family member commenter.  Plus she has consistently been around since the beginning.
Belle from BookBelle: My book twin!  She has also been around since almost the beginning.  I appreciate her taking the time to express her thoughts.  We often think the same and her comments make me smile!
Jade from Sort of Beautiful:  I'm sure Jade comments on every post.  She is so awesome and she supports Reflections of a Bookaholic in multiple ways.  
Dana from Let's Book It:  Dana also comments on almost every post.  I especially appreciate her comments because we don't always agree but I love that she let's me know.  And she's sooo sweet!

I think everyone fears having a few posts where no one cares and that's okay.  Comments don't mean that people aren't reading.  BUT with these wonderful commenters, I'm guaranteed to have a few comments on every post.  This means a lot.  Thanks so much.

When I first started.  I was so scared to comment.  So here are a few things that I believe:
1.  Most bloggers aren't picky about what you comment.  You don't have to be an awesome writer or sound super deep.  Just leave a commend and say hi.
2.  Sometimes you have to check back when you comment because some blogs require CAPCHA.  I know it sucks but just check and make sure it posted.
3.  If you are new to blogging, comments are a great way to get the word out that you are around.  When I see a commenter that I don't recognize, I click on their name so I can find out more about them.
4.  You don't have at agree with an assertion/review/etc. to comment.  If you strongly disagree or think I'm being ridiculous.  Let me know.  Most bloggers LOVE discussions.
5.  If you are like me, you might over-think comments.  Don't.  Just leave the first thing that comes to your mind.  Sometimes I'm not original but it is what it is.

THANKS to ALL my Commenters!!  I appreciate you for stopping and sharing your thoughts.

Now for the GIVEAWAY!!

The Prize: US Winner may choose one of the books listed below and will receive A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Bag.  International winner will win a $5 gift card to The Book Depository, Amazon, or B&N (P.S.  Book Depository doesn't have giftcards so we'll have to work out a book.)
Split Second (An FBI Thriller)  In Her Wake: A Child Psychiatrist Explores the Mystery of Her Mother's Suicide  The Violets of March: A Novel  In Search of the Rose Notes: A Novel
Who Can Win?  This giveaway is open to both US and International entrants.  There will be a winner of each.
How Long Do You Have?  This giveaway ends October 15.
To Enter:  Fill Out this Form.  You must be a follower.

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I absolutely LOVE all comments! So please feel free to chime in with your thoughts, questions, opinions, or whatever else you have to say.

Don't forget to check back as I reply to comments. Dialogue is good right?

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